"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." -First Article of Faith

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tummy Tuck Thursday

Stay focused on eating green in every meal!

Always incorporate a good high quality low glycemic index dark green vegetable
with each meal. I suggest things like spinach or romaine lettuce in your lunch
time salads. Try eating broccoli, asparagus, or steamed spinach as your vegetable
at dinner time. All of these dark green vegetables supply your body with great
vitamins and nutrients and are also great sources of fiber as well as naturally low
on the glycemic index scale.

Bottom line is they will keep your blood sugar levels from spiking after
eating. So think dark green at meal time, and challenge yourself to keep it as
part of each and every eating event.

Exercise: Let's have some fun! This may not be as good as going to the gym, or resisting that bowl of ice cream you are wanting to eat, but it is a fun way to burn off a few calories, so LET"S LAUGH. Laughter is known to remedy for many things, and while it is not going to make a huge difference in your immediate waist line, It will lift spirits and relieve stress, and at the same time you will burn enough calories in 10 to 15 minutes of laughing as a medium piece of chocolate. So have your cake and eat it to.(just laugh while your having it)


Jenny Ramsey said...

i'll laugh but i am not eating asparaGAS.

Julie Ramsey said...

I love asparagas. They are wonderful!!!!!!!! One thing we also love is spinach sauteed in extra virgin olive oil with a little sea salt. We have it everyday and it is wonderful!!!!!!!!