"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." -First Article of Faith

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Great News!

Kevin got the job he was interviewing for! Looks like they will be heading to Wisconsin! MMMMMM...cheese!
Congratulations Kevin & family!! :)


Jasmine said...

yep it will be a fun adventure seeing as we are going with them as well please keep us in your prayers that kyle will find a job quickly once we get there. love you all

Mike Ramsey said...

Awesome work Kevin! Congrats!

Julie Ramsey said...

way to go Kev and Yes, we will keep Kyle in our prayers for his job search as well. Mike is also interviewing today. Good luck Mike. We are praying for you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike Ramsey said...

Keep praying, my interview is actually tomorrow at noon.