"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." -First Article of Faith

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tummy Tuck Thursday Recipe

Mike's Breakfast Recipe:

I'm going to go ahead right now and tell you that I don't really like this recipe. I like my breakfast swimming in a nice gooey combination of butter and syrup thank you very much. For those of you freaks people who prefer a healthier start to the morning, this is a cheap, quick, nutritious start to the morning:

Two fried eggs
Two small corn tortillas
1/2 c. salsa

Stick the eggs on your tortillas and top with salsa

Jen's Breakfast Recipe:

Crepes, Pancakes, Cinnamon Rolls, Waffles, Pie with Ice Cream...if these things are not available or convenient,combine peanut butter cheerios with chocolate cheerios and top with milk.

1 comment:

Julie Ramsey said...

Good try Jen but I think Mike's recipe is a little healthier!!!
Try scrambled eggs and sauteed spinach. That's pretty good too.