"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." -First Article of Faith

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tummy Tuck Thursday Recipe

So since we are on the topic of desserts (I'm not going to lie...I really love that subject), I thought I'd share a couple yummy sweet treats for this week's Tummy Tuck Recipe.
Banana Almond Smoothie-
This smoothie is good...really good...make-a-triple-batch-and-sit-on-the-couch-watching-american-idol good. The good news, it's actually good for you too. I know, but stranger things have happened! I like to make this smoothie for breakfast, a snack mid-day, or for a treat before bedtime...so, basically anytime.
Super easy, super delicious and healthy too? Yes please!
1 banana sliced and frozen
1 c. almond milk-or more depending on how thick you like your smoothie (this is NOT the same as soy milk so please don't use soy milk and then fuss at me for your smoothie not tasting yummy)
1 spoonfull of almond butter (don't panic when you buy the almond butter. it is a little pricey-about $6.29 a jar...but each smoothie only uses 1 spoonfull, so it will last you a while.)
1-2 spoonfulls of ground flax seed (sounds gross, it isn't. it's actually nice and nutty tasting, packed with fiber and a good source of omegas, which is excellent for those of us who don't like fish)
Drizzle of honey
I also add a little bit of crushed ice.
A straw---Did you know that smoothies taste better with a straw? It's a proven fact.
Stick it all in your blender and go...oh, but don't put the straw in the blender. That's disgusting.

For a second, even EASIER treat, freeze your banana slices and mix with a scoop of nutella in a food processor. The result is almost like banana and nutella frozen yogurt. Good luck not licking the food processor clean.

1 comment:

Julie Ramsey said...

I love these recipes. I will try them tomorrow. I will also remember the straw tip!!!!!!
Thanks Jen