"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." -First Article of Faith

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kaylee - Horse show

Howdy All!!!! Kaylee is going to her first horse show this Sat. She will be riding in 10 different events and is working so hard to get ready. I will be posting some pictures and hopefully a video tomorrow of her practicing for the event. Also, Amelia is having surgery to have her adnoids and maybe her tonsils out in a couple of weeks. Let's all pray for her! Any other news people have please post it so we can keep track of whats happening in the family. Chris - It would be great to see pictures of your garden. You are the one in the family with a green thumb and your garden has been amazing this year!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jenny Ramsey said...

can't wait to see the video!!! congrats on all the loot kays!!! we will be praying hard for sweet amelia!