Since my Wife feels it necessary to point out my faults, i guess I will follow through with my tummy tuck thursdays with out delay.
Slowing down as the sun goes down:
Typically, when a person takes a look at the day and see how much they have eaten, here is what they would see. Breakfast, if anything, A small quick meal. ( bowl of cereal, a couple eggs, or a breakfast drink.) Then for lunch, you might have a quick meal out or if you are working, you would have a quick sandwich you brought from home. then for Dinner you will have large portions of heavy food. ( Beef, Chicken, Pasta, and other foods that are hard to digest.)
As your body gets into a routine of waking up and going to sleep around the same times, your bodies memory begins to adjust to when it needs to start firing up and when it starts to cool down. During that cool down time, which will typically begins at about 7 o'clock at night, you body starts to burn less calories and begins a short hybernation period. knowing this, you could make a huge differenc in your life by trying to reverse that order.
Eat you larger meal in the morning, and as the day goes on, eat smaller portions and healthier foods. this change will help curb your appetite, but will help you burn more calories throughout the day and have less calories turning into "undesireables" as we sleep.
This Weeks Exercise:
Abdominal Twists: Stand with Hands on your head, or as close as you can get. Keep your feet shoulder width apart. Twist using only your upper body. (keep feet and hips still) Twist to the right and as soon as you are at your furthest point, hold for five seconds and then dip your fourhead towards right hip slowly until you feel the pull in your abs, and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat to the left. Do 20 to each side every day and begin to see results.
I like this exercise and the one last week. Thanks for all the neat info and tips. They make alot of sense.
sometimes being married to you makes me feel like a big lazy slug.
You are far from a Lazy Slug Jenn!!!
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