"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." -First Article of Faith

Monday, November 21, 2011

Meaningful Monday and a Birthday Wish

To say this last week has been hectic would be an egregious understatement. I truly feel like I haven't had time to sit down. Here...there...doing this...doing that. Then when I was folding some laundry this afternoon, while Tyler fussed on the bed next to me, I started thinking about how much I have had to neglect my family in order to check off the many tasks on my list. While some things are important to do (and necessary), I feel like it's really important that we remember the MOST important things in our lives aren't things at all...they are PEOPLE! Snuggling with my baby might mean that I don't get all my laundry folded, but these moments pass quickly and I really want to enjoy them.
So this week I am going to focus on trying to hit the brakes a little, slow down, learn to say "no" (okay, Thanksgiving week may have been the wrong week to set this goal), and just enjoy my precious time with the people in my life.
So, what are some suggestions for simplifying?

1 comment:

Julie Ramsey said...

Let's all try to make Christmas more about LOVE and less about material things this year!!!