Appreciation Week:
As we start off the week, let's all take some time to express our appreciation for our family members. Write a note, do an act of kindness, or simply say "thank you". When we show our love and appreciation, we are expressing the pure love of Christ and inviting His Spirit into our families.
FHE idea: APPlying APPreciation (I know, I'm lame...but I love me some alliterations.)Talk with your families about different ways that you can express appreciation. You could make a mailbox where family members can deposit kind words of gratitude (or more realistically, sarcastic words of snarky-ness...either way, you will be expressing feelings, which is a good thing). For a treat, you could have APPlying APPreciation APPle pie (or turnovers, crisp, cobbler, dumplings, sauce, cookies, cake, etc.).
What will you all be doing for FHE? What ways do you like to show/receive appreciation?